Debt Management Plan: A Relief From Mounting Debts}

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Debt management plan: a relief from mounting debts
Ashton GabrielLife in a trap of debt becomes tougher and darker with each passing day. Debt management plan is a stress free plan to pay mounting debts. It not only exempts you from existing debts, but also prepares one in such a way that you can easily tackle future debts. Planning for debt is the most important aspect of sound overall financial planning. Interest rates on credit cards, store cards, accounts, bills, medical etc which create a deep hole in the pocket can be reduced with this plan. Debt management plan ensures to pay debt at a low rate of interest after an arrangement. The arrangement involves a meeting between the plan experts and creditors. It is decided that the borrower needs to pay a definite amount of money to Debt management Plan Company and not to the creditors. Often borrowers do not keep the records of bills which is a must. Borrower must be well informed that secured loans are not handled by Debt management plan. Not only one should check the credit card and loans statement but also check the credit report once a year. The borrower should keep in mind not to add more debts with new loans. One must make sure that the payment reaches the lender on time otherwise additional charges can be held.Debt management plan has certified credit counselors who had gone through extensive training and are professionals in the field. Best debt management plan possess non profit work keeping in view the best interests in mind. Strong commitment to one’s confidentiality is an added feather in the cap of this plan. Borrowers have provide details regarding social security numbers or credit card numbers but one must be able to fully trust the plan and its team that it is safe and secure. A credit counselor can help to create personalized financial plans and strategies. He can help in reducing rates and payments amount. Home equity or personal loans have much lower interest rates than credit cards. With lower interest rates one can pay off more of one’s balance. Another help to the borrower can be from Debt management companies which handle accounts for a small monthly fee. They negotiate lower rates with one’s creditors. Using the plan may temporarily freeze one’s credit depending on the lender. Credit counselor creates a confidential, personalized budget with a borrower. Certified counselors help borrower to plan for long term financial goals, retirement or home buying.Some few tips one can follow for debt management plan are:Never ignore your debts. Pay at least smaller monthly installments.Ascertain your income and expenditure.Make sure to confer your inability to repay the loan amount to lenders.Never agree on an interest rate that you cannot repay.If you receive any threatening letter, seek advice from trading standard services.Think twice before signing an agreement.Debt management plan can help to lower down your monthly repayment by as much as 75%.
Ashton Gabriel is a financial expert dealing with debt management and has carved out a career by providing apt consultation on debt management help and debt management. If you have any further queries about credit card debt management, business debt management,
debt management plan
and more products, then you can visit
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